A Tenda

A Tenda is a social technology that capacitates women that are feminist, anti-racist leaders, and human rights defenders training them for electoral campaigning.

Our goal is to democratize politics and raise leading voices of women to struggle against sexism, racism, and LGBTphobia within Brazilian Society, we work on:  



A Tenda constitutes a basis for the creation of collaborative female networks around the country. It enables them to participate in diverse political fields, enlarging their role over elected positions. Our task aims at the expansion of the political participation and representation of women, mainly black, in opposition to the underrepresentation of this community in politics, assuring their decision-making roles.    

A Tenda believes in a possibility of a strong democracy if all social groups should have proportional participation in spaces of power from whose decisions have a direct impact on their lives. A Tenda makes you believe that politics is a place to be and enables you to get there! #ComeToATenda


We want to


  1. Fight against

    The underrepresentation of gender and race in politics.

  2. Democratize

    Access to political training and campaign tools mainly restricted to financially established candidates.

  3. Provoke

    Public debate around the importance of female political participation and representation funding.

  4. Build

    Supporting networks of female leaders in politics, bringing attention to solidarity opposing competition.

  5. Impact

    Political and legislative to promote race and gender equity in politics.



This project was created without any financial or institutional sponsorship of any organization and runs 100% online At its first season applications came from all Brazilian regions to be capacitated about the political election. We could notice, through the great number of applicants, that there is no lack of interest from women to adhere to political terrain. But we did consider that the chances were missing. Actually, A Tenda is working on it! 

A Tenda is a multiple project which is not restricted to the boundaries that are understood from politics. We think that the shape and the content are tied together and complement themselves. It allows to be seen the neon colors, and the required elements to pitch a tent, through its straight view sometimes unexpectedly. A Tenda imagines boosting a different politics from today. To picture another landscape that we are used to identifying as “politics” takes us to shapes, colors, and words.   

A Tenda visual identity is in constant transformation since its beginning. Then, its blueprint is actualized from an afro futuristic perspective. It enables us to draw new futures giving to the black community its deserved protagonism. 

Ancestor Politics

What does future politics mean to you?

We believe in a revolutionary notion that the future will be led by black, indigenous, Quilombo, and LBTQ women. There is no other way around it. 

A Tenda is focused on politics created apart from female competition, mostly the low-budget campaigns, facilitating ancestor politics of the black community based on cooperation. The most heard sentence among the women capacitated by A Tenda is: “You are not competing among yourselves! Help each other!” 

Moreover, solidarity networks are engaged. National support connects leaders in order to cooperate among themselves with the goal of occupying decision spots. That strengthens and motivates other women to create political projects around each other. A Tenda trains women to achieve electoral positions and join forces with future candidates.  

Historically men have these political networks because they run this election game for centuries. Now is the time for women, principally black! On the afro futuristic belt, A Tenda claims for black candidatures!

Quem Somos

  • Laura Astrolabio

    Director and co-founder

    Lawyer, Public Law specialist, with experience by Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Education Workers Union (2005-2018), NEPP-DH-UFRJ Human Rights Public Policies MsC. Research, democracy, ethnic and racial relations, gender, political representation, public policies, and female political underrepresentation, author of the title "Vencer na vida como ideologia : meritocracia , heroísmo e ações afirmativas". (Winning in Life as an ideology: meritocracy, heroism and affirmative actions) Co-author of the books "Tem saída? Ensaios críticos sobre o Brasil" (Is There a way out? Critical Essays about Brazil) and "A Constituição por elas" (The Constitution according to them - women). Political articulator of movimento Mulheres Negras Decidem (Black Women Decide Movement).

  • Hannah Maruci


    MSc and Ph.D in Political Science at Universidade de São Paulo, which relates the female political underrepresentation. She has been working with women’s political training since 2015, in the city of São Paulo, as a Projects Coordinator of Female Politics for the São Paulo City Hall, Researcher at Fundação Getúlio Vargas, and, more recently, a Political Science professor at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. She participated in a Visiting Fellow Program at Humboldt University (Germany). Co-author of the book Candidatas em jogo: um estudo sobre os impactos das regras eleitorais na inserção de mulheres na política e do manual Orçamentos Sensíveis a Gênero e Raça (Candidates at stake: a study about the electoral ruling impact with the women in politics and the sensitive to race and gender budgets handbook.

  • Munah Malek

    Co-executive director

    Co-executive director. She is a sociologist, holds a master's degree in history, and is a researcher in gender, race, childhood, and the right to the city.

  • Bruna Nélio

    Streamer and Training Facilitator

    Conducting an Architecture and Urbanism bachelor’s degree at Pontifícia Universidade do Rio de Janeiro. Intern at Globo Television in the field related to trends and business analysis for digital products and pay-per-view channels. Her professional path enrolls technology, design, project, and social media management.

  • Juliane Cavalcante

    Video Editor

    Journalist and conducting a Human Rights and Communication master's degree, Juliane worked for ten years in public and educational communication in Latin America. As film Director participated in documentary Productions about gender equity and feminism, environment, and traditional communities of African descent. Actually works with political party communication.

  • Monyse Nascimento

    Political advocacy advisor

    Conducting a degree in Public Administration with academic and practical experience in legislative analysis, having worked as a CNPQ scholarship recipient. Developed project consulting in a Junior Enterprise. She has experience in advocacy, promoting racial equity, as well as media production and data analysis, having participated in the creation of a pilot project for a digital report on Fundeb, which won an award in the challenge organized by the Federal Court of Accounts. In the field of volunteering, she was involved in the Doar Igualdade project, which focused on blood donation by LGBTQIA+ individuals.