A Tenda is a social technology that capacitates women that are feminist, anti-racist leaders, and human rights defenders training them for electoral campaigning.
The focus of this training is to offer tools to young women, human rights defenders, who want to combat political underrepresentation by volunteering in women’s campaigns! It is aimed exclusively at women between 18 and 21 years old who are looking for ways to participate politically; or who are interested in knowing how the Brazilian political system works.
In the 2021/2022 season, we doubled the goal! We went from 250 people registered to 590! Of these, 307 people were black women, 17 quilombola women, 10 indigenous women, 24 women with disabilities, 40% were LBTQIA+ people and 23% were solo mothers.
The focus of this training is to offer tools to young women, human rights defenders, who want to combat political underrepresentation by volunteering in women’s campaigns! It is aimed exclusively at women between 18 and 21 years old who are looking for ways to participate politically; or who are interested in knowing how the Brazilian political system works.
We believe in a revolutionary notion that the future will be led by black, indigenous, Quilombo, and LBTQ women. There is no other way around it.
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